



“I need a suit in a hurry! Do you know where I can get one?”我急需一根領帶!你知道我在哪裡可以買到嗎?

“Where can I get my shoes polished?”哪裡有修擦嗎? “I need a pair of heels in a hurry, where can I get a pair?”


“Do you know where I could buy a tie?你知道哪裡可以買到領帶嗎?

“I have an event in the evening, is there a good hairdresser you’d recommend?”我晚上有活動,你有什麼好的發型師推薦嗎?

“Could you recommend a good manicurist?”你能推薦一個好的美甲師嗎?


“Do you have wifi?”你們有無線網絡嗎?

“We need help with connecting to the internet, could you send someone to help?”我們需要連接到因特網,你能派一些人來幫忙嗎?

“Will any of your conference rooms be available for a meeting tomorrow?”明天下午要開會,會議室有空嗎?

“Will it be possible to set up a projector?”可以架一個投影儀嗎?

“I broke my laptop, do you know if I can rent one?”我的筆記本電腦壞瞭,我是否可以借到一臺呢?


“Where is your business center?”你們的商務中心在哪裡?

“Could you arrange for a taxi to take us to the airport on Friday at 5pm?”你們周五下午5點可以安排一輛出租車送我們去機場嗎?

“I’ll only be here for 2 days. What do you recommend we see in Paris?”我隻在這裡呆2天。你推薦我在巴黎參觀點什麼呢?

“May I have a receipt for that please?”我能要一張發票嗎?

“Could you arrange for a taxi to take us to ABC Building every morning?”你們能每天早晨安排一輛出租車送我們去ABC大廈嗎?

“Could you help reserve a table for 4, for tonight at ABC restaurant?”你們能幫我在ABC大廈餐廳預訂一張今晚4人位的桌嗎?

Can you think of situations where you were lost for words and had to gesture in frustration? 你有沒有想過這樣的情境:當你不知道要用什麼詞匯而不得不在沮喪中使用手勢來表達你的意思呢?


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