化學補習,補習化學-China's economic target?

化學補習,補習化學-China's economic target?

China's economy has been growing at a fast rate. Will it continue?

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    媒體英語會帶大傢一起學習 BBC 撰稿人在報道世界大事時常用到的單詞和短語。

    經濟將是中國新一屆中央領導人面臨的最大挑戰之一。即將離任的國傢主席胡錦濤已經為他的接班人設定瞭新目標,也就是在2020年前讓中國的人均收入翻一倍。 請聽BBC經濟記者 Andrew Walker 發回的報道:

    Judging by China's recent performance, Hu Jintao's target might be seen as easily achievable. It implies economic growth of about 9.6% a year, which is rather less than the average over the last three decades. But that growth was based on some elements that can't last indefinitely.

    In common with many emerging countries, China's economic success has involved a rapid increase in the number of industrial workers, many of them moving from rural to urban areas. There is a limit to that process, and China might be close to it already. Very high levels of investment have also been important, but they are not seen as sustainable.

    There is also the central role that exports have played in China's growth. The uncertain outlook in many rich country markets casts a shadow over that too. Most economists think the transition that's needed is to an economy driven much more by spending by China's own consumers. As incomes have risen, so has consumer spending, but its share in economic activity remains unusually low.

    The World Bank has set out reforms that might help change that, by reducing incentives to focus on exports, and industrial investment. The Bank also suggests a wider reform effort to make China more of a market economy. If that analysis is right, the prize could be many more years of strong economic performance and rising Chinese living standards.

    Glossary 詞匯表 (點擊單詞收聽發音)judging by 根據(什麼)來判斷implies意味著indefinitely無限期的rapid快速的outlook前景casts a shadow投下陰影set out設定incentives獎勵措施©

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