化學補習,補習化學-To give a leg up 助人一臂之力

化學補習,補習化學-To give a leg up 助人一臂之力

Cheerleaders perform before the NFL football game between the St Louis Rams and the New England Patriots at Wembley Stadium in London. Photo: Darren Staples/Reuters


According to some authors, cheerleading started around 1877 in the United States, when Princeton University students yelled chants from the stands at games. Nowadays most cheerleaders are women. 據某些作者稱,美國1877年左右就出現瞭啦啦隊,當時普林斯頓大學的學生們在比賽時站在觀眾席上大聲吶喊口號。如今大多數啦啦隊成員都是女性。


這個短語 to give a leg up 的意思是助人一臂之力。


I have a great job in a posh restaurant. My mother gave me a leg up when she taught me to cook French dishes.

Mary had an uncle well connected to the business world. It gave her a leg up.


另一個短語 to pull someone's leg 就是開某人玩笑的意思,比如說些完全捏造或不可能的事情。

What?! You've won a million dollars in the lottery? You are pulling my leg.



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