化學補習,補習化學-Singing security guards 能歌善舞的保安

化學補習,補習化學-Singing security guards 能歌善舞的保安

Singing security guards 能歌善舞的保安所屬分類:騰訊視頻新功能放大觀看

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    Their job is to keep passengers on the Sao Paulo underground safe.

    But, once a month, instead of patrolling the platforms, nine security guards treat commuters to a concert.

    They use the stations as venues and play an eclectic mix of samba, rock and opera.

    The band is so successful that more members of staff want to take their place in the spotlight.

    Vocabulary 詞匯:

    passengers 乘客patrolling 巡邏commuters 通勤者,每天乘公交往返者an eclectic mix 各種各樣的混合in the spotlight 出風頭;(成為)公眾註目的焦點

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