化學補習,補習化學-Second wind 再次振作起來

化學補習,補習化學-Second wind 再次振作起來

Thousands of pieces of confetti float in the wind around US President Barack Obama. Photo: Jewel Samad / AFP / Getty Images


Many long-distance runners experience a phenomenon also known as the ‘second wind’. A runner may be completely exhausted and unable to continue when they suddenly feel a new surge of energy that allows them to finish the race.

許多長跑運動員會體驗到一種被稱為the second wind 第二春”的現象。運動員可能已經處於筋疲力盡無法繼續的狀態下,但突然間感覺到新一波的動力來完成比賽。


當我們形容某人有 a second wind 的時候,這就是說他們恢復瞭精力,再次崛起或繼續做什麼事情。


I usually feel a bit tired after lunch but get a second wind around 4pm.

Observers said Barack Obama was judged to have lost the first Presidential debate with Republican challenger Mitt Romney, but got a second wind in the second and third debate.


短語 to throw caution to the wind 意思是把顧慮和擔憂都拋在腦後,大膽的去做事情。有時候也指辦事完全欠考慮。

Sometimes you have to throw caution to the wind and go with your heart. Do what you believe in.

You know what? I’m going to throw caution to the wind and bet all my money on that racehorse. I think it’s going to win.



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