化學補習,補習化學-Very superstitious! 非常迷信!

化學補習,補習化學-Very superstitious! 非常迷信!

Vocabulary: superstitions 詞匯:迷信

Do you think that number 13 will bring you bad luck?

Picture this scene: you are walking home and there is a black cat on the path in front of you. Does it make you feel scared stiff? Perhaps it might make you feel lucky?

Would you dare to put your shoes on the table? If so, then you may be dabbling with death. Putting a hat on the bed could cause evil spirits to slip into your clean sheets! And opening an umbrella indoors might bring untold punishments.

Most superstitions are linked to something negative, or the thought that something will bring bad luck. For example, the number thirteen is thought by many to be particularly unlucky, especially the date Friday 13th. In western numerology, twelve is a number of completeness – there are twelve months of the year, twelve signs of the zodiac. In contrast, thirteen is considered irregular, unusual and therefore unlucky.

Walking under a ladder is also something that many people believe will tempt fate. Some believe that this superstition has its roots in Christianity and think that walking under a ladder is disrespectful to God, so they don't take the risk. Others, perhaps, are more afraid that something will fall on their head from a great height!

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    One of the most terrifying and long-believed of all superstitions is that breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck. In ancient Greek, Roman and Chinese cultures, many people held the belief that a mirror reflected a person's soul. If the mirror was broken, the soul would be harmed too; and the person would be frightened out of their wits.

    Black cats have long been linked to luck. In continental Europe, the animals were thought to be shape-shifters, or witches' minions. If one crossed your path, it was sure to bring you ill fortune or even death. But, in the UK and Ireland, it's generally considered to be a sign of future prosperity if a black cat crosses your path.

    Superstitions have been found in a wide range of cultures for thousands of years, but research suggests that that many of these beliefs can still be found in modern societies. Dr Kevin Foster, from Harvard University, believes it is an example of humans interpreting and reacting to threats. "Natural selection can readily favour making all kinds of associations," says Dr Foster, "including many incorrect ones."

    So, if these threats are likely to be 'incorrect', why are people still so superstitious? Well, it seems many people would prefer to be better safe than sorry.

    Glossary 詞匯表 (點擊單詞收聽發音)black cat 黑貓scared stiff嚇呆瞭lucky幸運dare敢(做什麼)dabbling with death涉足死亡evil spirits惡靈opening an umbrella打開雨傘bring bad luck帶來厄運numerology(數字)命理學walking under a ladder從梯子下走過tempt fate玩命,藐視命運take the risk冒險terrifying可怕的breaking a mirror打碎瞭一面鏡子frightened out of their wits被嚇得驚慌失措shape-shifters 可移形換影的人或動物minions仆從,奴才ill fortune厄運beliefs信仰better safe than sorry寧可事先謹慎有餘,不要事後追悔莫及©

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