化學補習,補習化學-The Appraisal 工作評估

化學補習,補習化學-The Appraisal 工作評估

What happens to Tom?

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    Episode 40: Language to use in an appraisal 做工作評估時用的語言

    It's time for Anna's appraisal - a chance to review how things are going and to set some challenges for the year ahead. But will Anna like what Paul has to say? Maybe news about Rachel will put a smile on her face?


    在 Anna 的工作目標中,她被要求開發什麼類型的產品?


    Glossary 詞匯

    This week's programme focuses on the language that you might use or hear in an appraisal:

    Phrases from the programme:

    What has gone well for you this year? Give me some examples. 過去一年中你覺得哪些事情特別順利? 請給幾個例子。

    And what didn't go so well? 那麼哪些事情不順利?

    What should you do more of? 你認為該多做些什麼?

    Let's look ahead and set some objectives. 讓我們向前看,設定一些具體的工作目標。


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