化學補習,補習化學-World hunger overestimated

化學補習,補習化學-World hunger overestimated

Many children in Africa are suffering from malnourishment.

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    媒體英語會帶大傢一起學習 BBC 撰稿人在報道世界大事時常用到的單詞和短語。

    日前聯合國承認世界饑餓人口總數沒有其估計人數之多。一項最新報告顯示全球饑餓人數約為 8.7億人,而並非此前公佈的近 10 億人。請聽以下來自 BBC記者 Alan Johnston 的報道:

    A few years ago the United Nations announced that the number of hungry people around the world had gone through the one billion mark. But the UN agencies now say that at the time their data tended to exaggerate the problem. They say progress in the fight against hunger has actually been better than was thought.

    But all the same, new and more accurate figures show that just under 870 million people are malnourished today. That's more than 12% of the global population. And in Africa the battle is being lost. More and more people there are hungry. One of the UN agency chiefs said that in this advanced age it was "entirely unacceptable" that 100 million children don't get enough to eat.

    The report talked of the need for economic growth that might provide vulnerable communities with greater income-earning opportunities. But, as it looked for long-term solutions, the UN also spoke of the importance of good governance, political stability and the rule of law. The creation of conditions in which economies, and education and health services, might develop in the poorest parts of the world.

    Glossary 詞匯表 (點擊單詞收聽發音)mark數字data數據exaggerate誇大accurate準確的malnourished營養不良的unacceptable不能接受的economic growth經濟增長vulnerable弱勢的income-earning opportunities掙錢機會governance管理©

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